Lazy Eight

The Original Lazy Eight

When we wrote our original article, we examined the following eight Lazy Portfolios tracked by Paul Farrell, each holding between 3 and 11 Vanguard mutual funds. For ease of reference, we have assigned a RecipeInvesting ID to each portfolio (shown in parentheses).

Lazy Portfolio: Aronson Family Taxable (s.aron)

Lazy Portfolio: Fundadvice Ultimate Buy & Hold (s.buyh)

Portfolio: Coffeehouse (s.coff)

Lazy Portfolio: Margaritaville (s.marg)

Lazy Portfolio: Dr. Bernstein's No Brainer (s.nobr)

Lazy Portfolio: Second Grader's Starter (s.seco)

Lazy Portfolio: Dr. Bernstein's Smart Money (s.smar)

Lazy Portfolio: Yale U's Unconventional (s.yale)